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How to Concatenate String and Integer Values in SQL Server

How to Concatenate String and Integer Values in SQL Server

It's fun to work with databases. Every day, we save data into tables in various columns, and frequently, to create our final output, we must write queries that concatenate numerous columns of various datatypes. The #Customer Table in the example below has a column with the street address as a string and the zip code as an INT. We want to combine these columns to create Complete Address. The + sign can be used to concatenate, but it only functions with string values.


Create table #TempCustomer (

Id int, Name VARCHAR(100),

 StreetAddress VARCHAR(100),

 Zip Int,

 City VARCHAR(100))




Insert into #TempCustomer

Select 1,'Aamir','House# 000 Street ABC',28000,'Charlotte'




Select 2,'Raza','House# 001 Street PJK',45000,'New York'




Select 2,'Raza','House# 011 Street ATC',7500,'Harisburg'




Select 2,'Raza','House# 222 Street ZZZ',2500,NULL




Select 2,'Raza','House# 222 Street ZZZ',Null,'High Points'


--By using Plus ( Sign)


Select StreetAddress+' '+Cast(Zip AS VARCHAR(10))+' '+ City


AS FullAddress from #TempCustomer


--Have to Take care of Null Values by ourselves by using ISNULL


Select ISNULL(StreetAddress,'')+' '+ ISNULL(Cast(Zip AS VARCHAR(10)),'')+' '




AS FullAddress from #TempCustomer



--Have to Take care of Null Values by ourselves by using Coalesce

Select Coalesce(StreetAddress,'')+' '+ Coalesce(Cast(Zip AS VARCHAR(10)),'')+' '




AS FullAddress from #TempCustomer



--USE CONCAT Function in SQL 2012 and Later Version, NULL values will be

--ignored and we don't have to convert Zip( INT To VARCHAR), It will take care of conversion


Select Concat(StreetAddress,' ',Zip,' ',City) AS FullAddress from #TempCustomer


drop table #TempCustomer


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