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SQL MIN and MAX Functions


SQL MIN() and MAX() Functions

The SQL MIN() and MAX() Functions

The MIN() function returns the smallest value of the selected column.

The MAX() function returns the largest value of the selected column.

MIN function: The MIN function returns the smallest value in a column or a set of values.


SELECT MIN(column_name)

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


Suppose you have a "sales" table with a "price" column, and you want to find the minimum price in the table. You can use the following query:

SELECT MIN(price) FROM sales;

This will return the smallest value in the "price" column of the "sales" table.

MAX function: The MAX function returns the largest value in a column or a set of values.


SELECT MAX(column_name)

FROM table_name

WHERE condition;


Suppose you have a "sales" table with a "price" column, and you want to find the maximum price in the table. You can use the following query:

SELECT MAX(price) FROM sales;

This will return the largest value in the "price" column of the "sales" table.

Note: The MIN and MAX functions can also be used with other aggregate functions and in combination with other SQL clauses like WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING to perform more complex queries.

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