How to check status and scheduling of a SQL Server Agent Job
Senior IT management and client organisation managers generally are unaware of which jobs are scheduled to run at what times because we always need to add new jobs, replace existing jobs, and adjust job schedules.
There are many jobs to keep track of, some jobs have multiple schedules, and both jobs and their schedules need to be updated regularly.
You may learn more about the status and scheduling of a SQL Server Agent JOB by using the DBA-friendly script I'll be presenting in this post.
USE msdb
WHEN SJ.enabled = 1 THEN 'Enable'
ELSE 'Disable'
END AS JobStatus
,SJ.description AS JobDescription
, AS JobScheduleName
WHEN SS.enabled = 1 THEN 'Enable'
WHEN SS.enabled = 0 THEN 'Disable'
ELSE 'Not Schedule'
END AS JobScheduleStatus
,SS.active_start_date AS ActiveStartDate
,SS.active_end_date AS ActiveEndDate
,SS.active_start_time AS ActiveStartTime
,SS.active_end_time AS ActiveEndTime
FROM dbo.sysjobs AS SJ
LEFT JOIN dbo.sysjobschedules AS SJS ON SJ.job_id = SJS.job_id
LEFT JOIN dbo.sysschedules AS SS ON SJS.schedule_id = SS.schedule_id