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How to Search Text in Steps of SQL Server Agent Jobs

Search Text in Steps of SQL Server Agent Jobs

In certain circumstances, we might want to look for SQL Server Agent Jobs.

·      Find SQL Agent Job if it is using some specific Stored procedure in Job Step Command.

·      Look for Comments in the queries we used in the SQL Server Agent jobs Steps. 

·      Look for Comments in the queries we used in the SQL Server Agent jobs Steps. 


If the text is used in the SQL Server Agent Job, we will look for it in two system tables. There are two system tables in the MSDB database, namely SysJobs and SysJobSteps.

In this example we are searching for string if any job is using "Select count(*) from dbo.Test".

USE msdb


 SELECT          AS JobName,
Job.enabled       AS ActiveStatus,
JobStep.step_name AS JobStepName,
JobStep.command AS JobCommand
 FROM   sysjobs Job
INNER JOIN sysjobsteps JobStep
ON Job.job_id JobStep.job_id 
WHERE  JobStep.command LIKE '%Select count(*) from dbo.Test%'  

--You can change here what you are searching for



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