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Get SQL Server Agent Jobs List with Schedule in SQL Server

Get SQL Server Agent Jobs List with Schedule in SQL Server


The list of SQL Server Agent Jobs with schedules is provided in this article. System tables from the MSDB database will be used.

·                Sys.SysJobs

·                Sys.SysSchedules

·                Sys.SysJobSchedules


To retrieve a list of SQL Server Agent Jobs with schedules, use the script below.

USE msdb

SELECT        AS JobName,


         WHEN Job.enabled THEN 'Enable'

         ELSE 'Disable'

       END             AS JobStatus,

       JOB.description AS Job_Description,        AS ScheduleName,


         WHEN SCH.enabled THEN 'Enable'

         WHEN SCH.enabled THEN 'Disable'

         ELSE 'Not Schedule'

       END             AS ScheduleStatus,





 FROM   dbo.sysjobs JOB

      LEFT JOIN dbo.sysjobschedules JS

               ON Job.job_id JS.job_id

       LEFT JOIN dbo.sysschedules SCH

               ON JS.schedule_id SCH.schedule_id


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